Friday, July 16, 2010

Rooting my HTC Desire

Well, that was easy!

Actually I've been trying to do it for weeks, but each time I've run into problems with drivers on Windows, not behaving properly, and the phone not being recognised.

Then I came across the latest one-click root procedure from unrEVOked today and thought this looks more like it. There are actually two methods, detailed here and here - I started with the Windows version but again ran into trouble with the drivers. So I decided to try the Linux route (root?!).

My wife has Ubuntu 10.04 installed on her netbook so I guessed I didn't need to mess around with live CDs and all that.

Here's what I did:

  • Go to and click 'Download for Linux'
  • Save the package somewhere (Downloads folder)
  • Go to the folder where the downloaded package is and unpack it.
  • Open a console application
  • Navigate to the download location (cd Downloads)
  • Type 'sudo ./reflash' to launch it as super user
  • Plug the phone in to the computer (select charge only)
  • Go into settings > applications > development and tick 'Enable USB debugging'
  • Wait for the phone to be rooted - it takes 30 seconds or so. When it's done it'll reboot.

Simple as that!

It doesn't wipe any data, settings or apps - in fact the only way of telling whether it has worked is that you'll see a new app in the app launcher called 'Superuser Persmissions' (which just shows a blank screen if you open it, by the way).

To double check I downloaded Titanium some apps from the market that require root permissions, and they work!

So now I have a rooted HTC Desire. Next step is to install a custom ROM. I'll keep you posted!