Well, it seems that despite being 'blocked' I can still post here so post I shall do, in the hope at least that I will be unblocked again soon!
Partly for the benefit of any Google staff who may be checking whether this blog is actually violating any of their terms of service, and partly for the benefit of any regular readers (although I doubt there are many of those yet since I only just set it up!)... the point of this blog, as it says at the top of the page, is really just a place for me to pull together thoughts, commentary, useful links, and whatever else I feel like writing about. In other words, a place to voice some of my thoughts.
I already use Google Reader, Twitter, Facebook and Flickr, but I'm still searching for the best place to collate all those random bits of information that I want to share with a wider audience. A blog seemed like a good option to explore, so here it is.
Actually, I already have a blog (line2nowhere.blogspot.com) but that's specifically related to my interest in finescale railway modelling - something that is fairly 'niche' in it's appeal! Although I might occasionally comment on such things here, I'll aim to keep most of that stuff over there.
I imagine most of what I post on here will relate to web design, technology, news, and general life stuff. We'll see how it develops...
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