Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Oh yes! Why has Dropbox never showed up on my radar before? OK, I'm not one of these people that walk around with a laptop, connecting to the internet in every cafe, coffee shop and petrol station I see, but still, there are occasions when being able to access files remotely would be great. In fact, even at home where we have a desktop (which is upstairs, doesn't get used all that much and remains switched off most of the time) and a laptop (which is usually downstairs, gets used a lot, and is on standby most of the time), it would be very useful - and a much cheaper (free!) alternative to a network hard drive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dropbox works very nicely indeed, they've got the Mac and Windows apps spot on, but you're relying on them to sit between you and your data stored at Amazon (via S3).

I would opt for JungleDisk as a simple 'appears-as-a-drive-letter-but-is-actually-a-network-disk-on-Amazon' alternative. Not so fancy on the syncing, but for personal/small-time use it works perfectly.