Thursday, December 4, 2008

Foxmarks, Google Bookmarks, Delicious....???

I think its about time I decided on a single solution for managing my bookmarks. At the moment I have different sets of Firefox bookmarks saved on three different computers (desktop, laptop and work), and a Delicious account (which I use with the Delicious Firefox extension).

I started using Delicious a while ago but I've never quite got into the swing of it, and since I don't want to share my bookmarks it seems a bit unecessary. Foxmarks seems a simpler solution if all I want to do is synchronise my Firefox bookmarks across computers.

But if I'm going to start syncing bookmarks, what about my history? It would be quite nice to be able to search back through my browsing history on all the machines I use. But does this mean installing the Google Toolbar? I really don't want another toolbar.

I think I'm going to give Foxmarks a try and see how I get on.

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